How to Implement the E-Myth Effectively
Today, what I’d like to speak to you about is operations and processes in systems.
So as an entrepreneur, looking at your business you’re probably struggling sometimes to get organised and systemized and process your business.
If you’ve ever read the book “The E-Myth” or “The E-Myth Revisited” by Michael Gerbert or get on a lot of people to get really motivated on that level and then as it comes trying to play it into the business it never seems to be that easy.
Let’s first of all talk about the advantages of having systemized processes in your business.
Even if you have a small business having a process can really;
- Help you better understand your products
- Better understand your customers
- How you can serve them
- How you can improve your supply chain
- How you can train your staff, how you onboard new starters.
Apart from that, the ultimate benefit is it’s going to save you a tonne of time, and it’ll make your business more profitable and more efficient.
If you sat there now saying, “Well, I have got a contract getting customers, and customers, and customers.”
That’s fine, you do.
You should have a lead generation strategy, as well.
Pointless bringing all these customers in if you’re struggling to fulfil them, or you’re struggling to deliver an acceptable level of service to them.
Sure, there are tools to help you do that.
There are Project Management tools like here at Mike Midgley Executive, we use a tool called Teamwork.
For our project management system, there are things like Intercom systems, Customer Ticketing system, Live Chat Systems, they’re all great and they help.
Five Fundamentals
The five fundamentals of business really.
If you were to take, set some time aside and say, “Okay, how could I process everything that I have in my finance department?”
It sounds like a big job but ultimately if you say, “When an invoice comes into my business, “What is the process to load it onto my account system?”
If you take time to look at that if you click down below on this blog you can opt-in for a process sheet that is going to help you.
Across these five fundamental areas so it’ll be the Process Sheet for financing, process sheet for operations, systems and all the way through.
If you can really start to take time.
It really starts out by who’s doing the job?
- Where does it start?
- Where does it end?
Then what’s the actual functioning on fulfilling that in between?
Take some time out, get started with it, download the process sheet below.
If you will leave us some comments on the blog to let us know how you’ve gone on or if there are any questions, we’ll be more than happy to help you with them.
Let’s see what the results are.
You don’t have to process and map your entire business in day one.
There is semi-impossible but ultimately if you get the processes down, if you look at the value of things like a McDonald’s franchise, are you buying the right to flip burgers?
Yeah, to a degree but you’re actually buying the process manual of how to flip burgers.
That keeps a consistent level of service which customers come to expect.
Customers want to do business and you really got to see your efficiencies sort of skyrocket so start, whether it’s your finance department, your sales department, are you on board.
Then, all things to do, make your list top 10, get a whiteboard, get a Flipchart, list all your processes out first.
Then, pull it and then load it in an invoice, paying an invoice, paying salaries is an example in finance.
Doing your sales in marketing.
- How do I send my emails out?
- How do I take a sales inquiry?
What does that sales inquiry or that sales purchase look like?
If you list those out as model points then you get those understood.
You can then transfer into the process sheet, then you can download below if you want with this blog.
Then you can start a personal systematisation into your business.
Ultimately if you use a tool like InfusionSoft you can then transfer those manual processes into automation and that’s also going to save you an absolute tonne of time, as well.
So if you want to set up a call with one of our InfusionSoft specialists you’re going to be able to help your process map.
Whatever part of your business, put that into automation and really start to leverage both your time and your efficiency, and your profitability.