Mike J Midgley Blog

Falling Short of Compliance & Legislation

Written by Mike Midgley | Feb 2, 2018 3:45:00 PM


Today, I want to talk about something that’s been top of mind lately, GDPR.

I know, it’s a hot topic and there are countless so-called “experts” out there offering advice, but I’m not going to dig too deep into the technicalities of GDPR itself.

What I really want to discuss is the lack of preparation I’ve seen in businesses when it comes to this fundamental piece of legislation.

GDPR has been on the radar for years, and yet many businesses are still scrambling to get it right as the deadline approaches.

This is where the real issue lies, lack of planning.

Last-Minute Larry

Let’s start by asking yourself a simple question:

How do you approach key pieces of legislation and regulations in your business?

Are you a “Last-Minute Larry” who waits until the last second, hoping that someone will hand you a pass?

I’ve seen it all too often.

For example, just last week, I spoke to two or three clients who told me, “Mike, I’ve still not sorted out my GDPR compliance.” Despite me having this on their radar for the previous 12 months.

The legislation was announced years ago, and I tackled it way back in March 2017. I made sure I studied it thoroughly, understood its implications, and started making adjustments well ahead of the deadline.

As new information became available, I made small tweaks, and when March and April rolls around, I am ready. Meanwhile, many businesses wait until the last minute to even start addressing it.

Don’t Panic! Put in the Effort

To help my clients who were scrambling, I put together a package to shortcut the process for them. Yes, there’s a cost to this, but the reality is: You either pay with your wallet or you pay with your time and effort.

The important thing is that you have to put the effort in.

What surprises me is how many businesses are addressing the issue poorly.

Some are sending generic emails saying, “You’re on my list, click here to continue opting in,” without even considering updating their privacy or cookie policies.

This approach is fundamentally flawed.

A simple “opt-in” email is not enough.

You're not even required to send this to an existing list if you have documented proof of consent.

Yet businesses still try to shortcut the process by copying templates from larger companies, changing a few words, and calling it done.

Take Legislation Seriously

If you’re guilty of this, it’s time to seriously get a grip on your compliance responsibilities. Legislation, whether it’s GDPR or any other form of governance, is critical to your business.

It can make the difference between having a healthy profit or risking potential fines or even business closure.

This blog isn't just about GDPR. It's about your overall governance, your licensing, legal documents, and compliance procedures.

Do you know if everything is up to date?

Are your processes aligned with the current laws?

If not, it's time to sit down, study what’s required, and work with the relevant authorities.

For GDPR, for example, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) provides great resources like webinars, documents, and videos that can make it easier for you to get compliant. It’s not as difficult as it may seem once you break it down and focus on it.

Take Action Today

Whether you’re working with GDPR or another piece of legislation, take the time now to ensure you're compliant.

Don’t wait for the last minute. Look at the requirements, understand what needs to be done, and document your compliance efforts.

It will save you headaches in the long run and give you peace of mind, knowing that your business is on the right side of the law.

So, get proactive about your business governance and make compliance a priority. Don’t leave it until the last minute.

Always here to help you start, grow, and thrive. Let me know how I can support your next big move.