Mar 03, 2023 Mike Midgley

Product & Business Mapping


Today, I want to challenge you to think about whether you have your core product and business mapped out, simply on one page.

If a customer approached you and said, “I’d like to buy product X or service Y,” could you easily show them exactly what they are getting, the stages they will go through, and the benefits at each step?

Understanding Your Product

You might be running a business that delivers a service in just one visit or a couple of hours, and that’s perfectly fine.

Conversely, you could also be involved in a business that takes days, weeks, or even months to fully deliver its products or services.

The crucial point here is that customers often have far less knowledge about your product than you do.

While you might think they should know the details, many businesses mistakenly assume that customers inherently understand their offerings.

After all, customers are primarily interested in how your product solves their problems or helps them achieve their goals.

Having a straightforward one-page map that outlines how your product or service starts, the steps involved, and the benefits at each stage can be immensely valuable.

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The Importance of Clarity

You’d be surprised how a clear mapping of your product can aid your sales team. It allows customers to visualize what they’re buying and understand the benefits of choosing your company.

Recently we introduced a new stages delivery service in our agency. This plan serves as a prime example of product mapping. It starts with an Entrepreneur Focus Workshop, designed to help individuals clarify their message and goals.

Next, we move to the Power of Alignment Workshop, where we assist in establishing a cohesive business model and financial strategy to ensure alignment with the client’s message.

Then, we introduce the Get Stuff Done Workshop, aimed at helping entrepreneurs overcome execution challenges. Many get stuck in the doing, which hinders their progress.

Following that, we have the LaunchPad Workshop, where we prepare businesses to take their offerings to market effectively, using strategies similar to Jeff Walker’s product launch formula to build excitement and interest.

Finally, we provide a Campaign Manager service to manage social media, content, and paid traffic once the product is live, ensuring ongoing lead generation.

This entire process can be mapped out on a single sheet of paper, outlining what’s included at each stage and the benefits for the customer.

Visual Tools for Sales

We’ve even created an infographic that depicts this mapping, which now hangs in our office. We use it as a sales tool when clients visit, allowing them to visualize the process we’ll take them through.

This not only clarifies the journey but also reignites excitement about their business.

Mapping out your product and business processes is crucial for your sales team, administration, and fulfillment departments. It ensures that everyone understands the service being delivered, and it helps customers grasp what they are buying. They won’t feel like they are jumping into the unknown.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you have an infographic that outlines your products or services? Feel free to share a picture of it in the comments below, and I’d be happy to provide feedback!

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Published by Mike Midgley March 3, 2023