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Why Motorway Congestion is Like Poor Business Bandwidth


I’m just shooting this quick video because I’m stuck in traffic on the M18, the two-lane motorway, and I’ll come back to that in a moment or two.

What I want to pose to you today is;

  • What’s holding you back in your business?
  • Are you stuck in your business?
  • What’s stopping your progression?

So I’ve been in the car now for the thick end of an hour.

I’ve done probably about 10 miles.

Typical Monday morning traffic, a little bit of rain on the road.

All the people who are driving poorly swerving in and out of the lanes.

Obviously, I’m not sure if there’s a crash up ahead or what the delay is.

Ultimately it just reminded me about some businesses that I’ve been involved with, some businesses that I know colleagues who have run with them and they’re just stuck.

Bandwidth for Your Business

When I started the video I mentioned about a two lane motorway.

Now, I’m still amazed in the U.K. that we have two lane motorways.

I remember 20 years ago going down the A1.

It was a nightmare 20 years ago.

The volume and the traffic that’s going on the road these days, there should be four lane motorways nevermind two lane motorways.

But clearly, we just don’t have enough bandwidth here on the motorway.

There are too many cars, not enough lanes.

There is obviously some type of crash or hold up or something that is stopping us.

I just want you to have a think about that, your bandwidth and your business.

  • Do you have enough cash in your business to expand?
  • Do you have enough people in your business to expand?
  • Do you have a product range that’s dynamic enough to really get you on that sort of wave of growth?
  • Do you even have the mindset or the strategy to grow

If you’re sat there, a bit like a stop start, stop start as we are on the motorway today, look at the key fundamentals in your business starting with finance of course.

Do you have the revenue, the sales line and the cash reserves to go on the assault, to go on the offensive.

If you look at systems, are your systems and your processes wide enough?

Can you build up on those to go?

Your people.

Have you got the right people or do you need more people?

Your sales and marketing.

Do you have that strong presence to take your message to market and obviously can you wrap that up with your governance and make sure that you’re running your business legally.

So if you don’t have enough bandwidth, like currently I don’t have here on the M18 at the moment, really take time getting your business on a whiteboard or a flip chart, get your strategy out, rework how you’re going to widen these lanes and go on the assault to grow your business.

Let Me Know What You Think

So just give some thought to it.

I’m stuck here thinking about bandwidth of the M18 motorway.

It’s very, very relevant to what holds a lot of businesses back, so take a look at it.

Leave me a comment below.

Let me know what your bandwidth is in your business and I’d be more than happy to help you.

Have a great week, guys.

Mike Midgley

Mike Midgley is the Strategy Director at 6teen30 Digital and a dynamic digital entrepreneur, nxd, strategist, public speaker and host of TheOpenMike Podcast show & Co-Host at The Inbound Podcast. Mike has achieved successful six and seven-figure exits over a 25-year career, raised in excess of £1.6m [$2.5m] in Venture Capital and highly experienced with franchising.