Hi, I'm Mike

I didn’t come from privilege. In fact, leaving school
without qualifications was my first lesson in strategy.
I had to get strategic with my life quickly.

MJM - Web Images - Meet Mike Page - My Journey and Philosophy

My Journey and Philosophy.

Over the last 30 years, I’ve launched startups, turned around businesses, and guided companies through rapid growth. My approach is simple: be predictive, not reactive, and focus on people first.

The tough times, like losing a $20M business and facing a life-threatening injury, taught me the value of surrounding yourself with people who truly care. Today, I apply those lessons to every client I work with.

As a Non-Executive Director, I help founders, leadership teams, and investors Navigate Every Stage, whether launching, scaling, or recovering with clear, actionable strategy.

Today, I’m still navigating every stage

I believe that even the toughest situations can be transformed into positive outcomes.

My programs are designed to help you navigate every stage of your business journey, whether launching, scaling, or facing unexpected hurdles

Here’s to guiding you toward success…

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MJM - Quote Mark I am committed to empowering founders and leadership teams with the strategic guidance they need to confidently tackle every phase of business growth. MJM - Quote Mark - Black End

Rooted in Humility.

My successes stem from building strong strategies and surrounding myself with the right people, understanding that real achievement is measured by impact, not just milestones.

Grounded in humility, I see every challenge as an opportunity to grow, learning from both my professional and personal experiences. Whether in the boardroom or at home, I am always evolving.

MJM - Web Images - Meet Mike - Image 2 V2

MJM - Quote Mark - White Start I’m grateful for where my journey has taken me. MJM - Quote Mark - White End

Every step has shaped who I am today, and I’m excited to continue helping others navigate their own paths.

Investing for Impact

In 2019, I founded Growth Engine Ventures as a family office type incubator to strategically invest in both our own companies and high-growth external opportunities.

By leveraging this dual approach, we create sustainable value and drive long-term growth across our portfolio, aligning each investment with a clear strategic vision for success.


Guiding Principles

Throughout my journey, a few guiding principles have shaped the way I approach business and life. These values form the foundation of my leadership and decision-making, helping me stay focused and grounded in every challenge I face.

1. Human-Centered Leadership

I believe in putting people at the heart of everything. Whether it’s guiding a founder through tough decisions or helping a team find their direction, I focus on the human side of leadership. Success is built on the strength of relationships, and I strive to create meaningful, lasting ones in every interaction.

2. Unstoppable Curiosity

Every problem has a solution, but finding it requires relentless exploration. I approach every challenge with an open mind, constantly asking questions and pushing boundaries to discover the best way forward. This curiosity fuels my drive to create strategies that aren’t just quick fixes but built for long-term success.

3. Adaptability in Action

Business challenges can change in an instant, and being able to pivot is key. I pride myself on reading the moment and adapting my approach to meet the situation. Sometimes it’s about offering support, other times it’s about delivering hard truths—but always in service of the bigger picture and the best outcome.

4. Excellence Over Everything

I live by the belief that nothing but the best is good enough. In every decision, I hold myself and my teams to the highest standards. For me, it’s not just about results but the quality and integrity of the work along the way.

5. Navigating Every Stage

Whether you're launching, scaling, or adjusting courses, I guide businesses through every phase of growth. Each stage of a company’s journey comes with its own challenges, and I’ve built my career helping leaders navigate them with confidence, clarity, and strategic insight.

Keynote Speaking

Tailored speaking engagements to equip leaders with strategic insights and actionable steps for navigating growth, scaling, or turnaround challenges. Designed to inspire decision-makers and teams with real-world, battle-tested strategies.

Moonshot Thinking

Turning Strategy into Success.

Moonshot thinking isn’t just about having a bold vision, it’s about aligning that vision with a strategic roadmap that turns high risk ideas into real-world success.

& Rivers

Navigating Growth & Change.

Scaling a business is like navigating river rapids, and success requires the adaptability of a chameleon, constantly adjusting to change while staying aligned.

The Phoenix Strategy

From Crisis to

Most businesses can rise from the ashes with the right strategic approach. The Phoenix Strategy empowers organizations to turnaround and transform challenges into new opportunities.

Let’s Navigate Every Stage Together.